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You are what you eat. And so are our cities

Architect Carolyn Steel and chef Matt Orlando in a conversation on the relationship between food, urbanism and society.

December 8, 2022
in collaboration with

In front of a live audience at Heartland 2022, architect and thinker Carolyn Steel met with chef and sustainability pioneer Matt Orlando in a conversation on how cities shape what we eat.

Carolyn Steel is an expert on the connection between food and cities. She has written several books on the subject and lectured on it at Cambridge University. Matt Orlando has worked at multiple Michelin restaurants worldwide and opened his world-famous restaurant, Amass in 2013. Unfortunately Amass recently closed as a restaurant, but to Orlando Amass is not just a physical space, but a mindset that transcends these walls.

The talk is moderated by Anne Katrine Harders and presented in collaboration with Heartland Festival.  

The conversation is a collaboration between Heartland Festival and Copenhagen Architecture Festival.

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