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Ma[s]king Identity

Ma[s]king Identity by Saŗa Harakat - 8 min | 2016

April 21, 2021
in collaboration with

About the film:
“I discovered that the earth was fragile and the sea light; I discovered that language and metaphor are not enough to provide a place for the place. The geographical part of History is stronger than the historical part of geography. Unable to find my place on earth, I tried to find it in History. And History cannot be reduced to a compensation for a lost geography.”
Palestine as Metaphor, Mahmoud Darwish

Produced during CAFx Summer School 2016 in Aarhus.
August 9th - 19th at Aarhus School of Architecture.
Studio_03: Abstract by Léopold Lambert and Johann Lurf.

Copenhagen Architecture Festival (CAFx),
Future Architecture Platform,
Aarhus School of Architecture,
Co-funded by the Creative Europe
Program of the European Union
and Statens Kunstfond.

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