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CAFx ArchDaily

“Can I Get A Roof Over My Head, Please?”

An interview with Michael Alexander Ulfstjerne from EAHR about inclusive and participatory design practices, film and 'grand concepts'.

February 14, 2023
in collaboration with

In 2022 CAFx partnered up with Emergency Architecture & Human Rights (EAHR) to conduct two film & architecture workshops centered around the theme 'Leave No One Behind'. The goal was to involve underrepresented communities in the Film Mosaic project, encouraging them to participate in the short film competition addressing inclusive design solutions in the built, grown and planned environment around them.

We met up with CEO of EAHR Michael Ulfstjerne after the workshops to gather concluding reflections, sum up the project's setbacks and achievements and share some learnings with ArchDaily readers.

Read our full conversation about the use of the film medium in participatory design processes and working with inclusivity in contexts of vulnerability here on ArchDaily.

This interview was made in the context  of the short film competition Film Mosaic: Leave No One Behind, which looks for films addressing inclusive architectural or design solutions found in the built, planned and/or grown environment

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