Part of
FOODSCAPES—By Eating We Digest Territories

FOODSCAPES Episode 2: Rethinking Food Production, Consumption, and Human Habitation

A podcast exploring the intricate connections between food production, consumption, and human habitation.

March 19, 2024
in collaboration with

FOOD. It shapes our daily lives, molds the structure of our cities, and connects to over 25% of global CO2 emissions. Transforming the world's food systems means transforming the ways of inhabiting the world.

This podcast documents a conversation about the intricate connections that link food production, consumption, and human habitation.

The panel includes:

  • Nikolaj Vedde, director of Bygaard
  • Christer Bredgaard, owner of Il Buco
  • Kristine Fisker, a design specialist in sustainable changes in the food industry and a design advisor at INVI

The moderator is Mia Maja Hansson, director and teacher at Kitchen Collective.

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