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The Manifesto Reading Club - Le Corbusier and Koolhaas

A podcast on Le Corbusier's 'Towards an Architecture' (1923) and Rem Koolhaas' 'Junkspace' (2001) with Kristoffer Weiss.

February 21, 2024
in collaboration with

In April 2023, the exhibition ‘Architecture and the Art of Agitation’ opened in the exhibition-space of Copenhagen Architecture Festival. Over a period of two months, a diverse group of experts, professionals, and architecture enthusiasts gathered for a sequence of reading club events, offering moments for rereading and reevaluating some of the most influential architectural manifestos of the 21st century. This podcast represents one of two recordings documenting these events.

This podcast captures a lecture on Le Corbusier's Towards an Architecture (1923) and Rem Koolhaas' Junkspace (2001). Kristoffer Weiss, philosopher, director of the Danish Architectural Press, and ex-partner in EFFEKT, was our guide, and you will hear his voice in the following recording.

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